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1.1 什么是协议



比如wechaty-puppet-wechat能够通过wechaty/wechaty:latest镜像将其所有实现接口暴露成gRPC的服务,非常的方便,已然实现write once, run anywhere

1.2 协议列表


二、Wechaty 模块详解


2.1 初始化


参数 类型 默认值
[options] WechatyOptions {}

Example (The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript)

const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty')
const bot = new Wechaty()
bot.on('scan',    (qrcode, status) => console.log(['',encodeURIComponent(qrcode),'&size=220x220&margin=20',].join('')))
bot.on('login',   user => console.log(`User ${user} logined`))
bot.on('message', message => console.log(`Message: ${message}`))

wechaty.on(event, listener) ⇒ Wechaty

当机器人获取到信息, 它会触发下面的事件

在这些事件函数中,您可以做任何您想做的事情。 主要事件名称如下:

  • scan: 当机器人需要向您出示二维码来扫码登入的时候触发. 当您扫描二维码之后, 您便可以登入
  • login: 当Bot成功登入时触发
  • logout: 当机器人探测到账号登出时触发
  • message: 当机器人收到新消息的时候触发


类型: Wechaty的实例方法 返回值: Wechaty - - this for chaining, see advanced chaining usage

参数 类型 描述
event WechatyEventName 触发wechaty事件(WechatyEvent)
listener WechatyEventFunction WechatyEvent绑定的触发函数

示例 (Event:scan)

// Scan Event will emit when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning

bot.on('scan', (url, code) => {
  console.log(`[${code}] Scan ${url} to login.` )

示例 (Event:login )

// Login Event will emit when bot login full successful.

bot.on('login', (user) => {
  console.log(`user ${user} login`)

示例 (Event:logout )

// Logout Event will emit when bot detected log out.

bot.on('logout', (user) => {
  console.log(`user ${user} logout`)

示例 (Event:message )

// Message Event will emit when there's a new message.

wechaty.on('message', (message) => {
  console.log(`message ${message} received`)

示例 (Event:friendship )

// Friendship Event will emit when got a new friend request, or friendship is confirmed.

bot.on('friendship', async (friendship) => {
  const contact =
  if (friendship.type() === bot.Friendship.Type.Receive) { // 1. receive new friendship request from new contact
    let result = await friendship.accept()
    if (result) {
      console.log(`Request from ${} is accept succesfully!`)
    } else {
      console.log(`Request from ${} failed to accept!`)
  } else if (friendship.type() === bot.Friendship.Type.Confirm) { // 2. confirm friendship
    console.log(`New friendship confirmed with ${}`)

示例 (Event:room-join )

// room-join Event will emit when someone join the room.

bot.on('room-join', async (room, inviteeList, inviter) => {
  const nameList = =>',')
  console.log(`Room ${await room.topic()} got new member ${nameList}, invited by ${inviter}`)

示例 (Event:room-leave )

// room-leave Event will emit when someone leave the room.

bot.on('room-leave', async (room, leaverList, remover) => {
  const nameList = =>',')
  console.log(`Room ${await room.topic()} lost member ${nameList}, the remover is: ${remover}`)

示例 (Event:room-topic )

// room-topic Event will emit when someone change the room's topic.

bot.on('room-topic', async (room, topic, oldTopic, changer) => {
  console.log(`Room ${await room.topic()} topic changed from ${oldTopic} to ${topic} by ${}`)

示例 (Event:room-invite, RoomInvitation 已经封装为一个 RoomInvitation类. )

// room-invite Event will emit when there's an room invitation.

bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => {
  try {
    console.log(`received room-invite event.`)
    await roomInvitation.accept()
  } catch (e) {

示例 (Event:error )

// error Event will emit when there's an error occurred.

bot.on('error', (error) => {

wechaty.start() ⇒ None


提示: 所有的bot操作都需要在start()完成之后才可以触发

类型: Wechaty的实例方法

from wechaty import Wechaty
import asyncio

async def main():
    bot = Wechaty()
    await bot.start()

wechaty.stop() ⇒ None


类型: Wechaty的实例方法

await bot.stop()

wechaty.logout() ⇒ None


类型: Wechaty的实例方法

await bot.logout()

wechaty.logonoff() ⇒ bool

获取机器人的登入或者登出的状态, 返回一个布尔值

类型: Wechaty的实例方法 返回值: 登入状态则返回True, 登出则返回False

if (bot.logonoff()) {
  console.log('Bot logined')
} else {
  console.log('Bot not logined')

wechaty.userSelf() ⇒ ContactSelf


类型: Wechaty的实例方法

const contact = bot.userSelf()
console.log(`Bot is ${}`)

wechaty.say(textOrContactOrFileOrUrl) ⇒ Promise <void>

向 userSelf 发送消息,换句话说,bot 向自己发送消息。

注意: 此功能取决于Puppet的实现, 详见 Puppet兼容表

类型: Wechaty的实例方法

参数 类型 描述
文本, 联系人对象, 文件对象, 链接或者小程序对象 str | Contact | FileBox | UrlLink | MiniProgram 发送文本、联系人名片、文件或链接到目标联系人。 您可以使用 FileBox 类来发送文件。
const bot = new Wechaty()
await bot.start()
// after logged in

// 1. send text to bot itself
await bot.say('hello!')

// 2. send Contact to bot itself
const contact = bot.Contact.load('contactId')
await bot.say(contact)

// 3. send Image to bot itself from remote url
import { FileBox }  from 'file-box'
const fileBox = FileBox.fromUrl('')
await bot.say(fileBox)

// 4. send Image to bot itself from local file
import { FileBox }  from 'file-box'
const fileBox = FileBox.fromFile('/tmp/text.jpg')
await bot.say(fileBox)

// 5. send Link to bot itself
const linkPayload = new UrlLink({
  description : 'WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and Love',
  thumbnailUrl: '',
  title       : 'Welcome to Wechaty',
  url         : '',
await bot.say(linkPayload)


Get the global instance of Wechaty

类型: Wechaty的实例方法

参数 类型 默认值
[options] WechatyOptions {}

示例 (世界上最短的Python ChatBot:9行代码)

from wechaty import Wechaty

import asyncio
async def main():
    bot = Wechaty()
    bot.on('scan', lambda status, qrcode, data: print('Scan QR Code to login: {}\n{}'.format(status, qrcode)))
    bot.on('login', lambda user: print('User {} logged in'.format(user)))
    bot.on('message', lambda message: print('Message: {}'.format(message)))
    await bot.start()


The term Puppet in Wechaty is an Abstract Class for implementing protocol plugins. The plugins are the component that helps Wechaty to control the Wechat(that's the reason we call it puppet). The plugins are named PuppetXXX, for example:

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
wechat4u string The default puppet, using the wechat4u to control the WeChat Web API via a chrome browser.
padchat string - Using the WebSocket protocol to connect with a Protocol Server for controlling the iPad Wechat program.
puppeteer string - Using the google puppeteer to control the WeChat Web API via a chrome browser.
mock string - Using the mock data to mock wechat operation, just for test.


The option parameter to create a wechaty instance

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
profile string Wechaty Name. When you set this: new Wechaty({profile: 'wechatyName'}) it will generate a file called wechatyName.memory-card.json. This file stores the bot's login information. If the file is valid, the bot can auto login so you don't need to scan the qrcode to login again. Also, you can set the environment variable for WECHATY_PROFILE to set this value when you start. eg: WECHATY_PROFILE="your-cute-bot-name" node bot.js. This field is deprecated, please use name instead. see more
puppet PuppetModuleName | Puppet Puppet name or instance
puppetOptions Partial. Puppet TOKEN
ioToken string Io TOKEN


Wechaty Class Event Type

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
error string When the bot get error, there will be a Wechaty error event fired.
login string After the bot login full successful, the event login will be emitted, with a Contact of current logined user.
logout string Logout will be emitted when bot detected log out, with a Contact of the current login user.
heartbeat string Get bot's heartbeat.
friendship string When someone sends you a friend request, there will be a Wechaty friendship event fired.
message string Emit when there's a new message.
ready string Emit when all data has load completed, in wechaty-puppet-padchat, it means it has sync Contact and Room completed
room-join string Emit when anyone join any room.
room-topic string Get topic event, emitted when someone change room topic.
room-leave string Emit when anyone leave the room.
room-invite string Emit when there is a room invitation, see more in RoomInvitation If someone leaves the room by themselves, wechat will not notice other people in the room, so the bot will never get the "leave" event.
scan string A scan event will be emitted when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning. </br> It is recommend to install qrcode-terminal(run npm install qrcode-terminal) in order to show qrcode in the terminal.


Wechaty Class Event Function

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
error function (this: Wechaty, error: Error) => void callback function
login function (this: Wechaty, user: ContactSelf)=> void
logout function (this: Wechaty, user: ContactSelf) => void
scan function (this: Wechaty, url: string, code: number) => void
heartbeat function (this: Wechaty, data: any) => void
friendship function (this: Wechaty, friendship: Friendship) => void
message function (this: Wechaty, message: Message) => void
ready function (this: Wechaty) => void
room-join function (this: Wechaty, room: Room, inviteeList: Contact[], inviter: Contact) => void
room-topic function (this: Wechaty, room: Room, newTopic: string, oldTopic: string, changer: Contact) => void
room-leave function (this: Wechaty, room: Room, leaverList: Contact[]) => void
room-invite function (this: Wechaty, room: Room, leaverList: Contact[]) => void see more in RoomInvitation